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Therapy Programs

online therapy programsClear Behavioral Health believes in an integrated approach to healing. Our goal is to inspire change that will enrich lives and promote better communities. We employ professional and compassionate staff trained in the latest behavioral health techniques to achieve this.

Our comprehensive approach informs our outpatient online therapy programs at every stage. We offer a virtual intensive outpatient program (IOP) that uses a combination of evidence-based therapies and holistic approaches to address the mental health needs of Californians everywhere.

If you are limited by time constraints, schedule, transportation, or geography, our online mental health therapy can offer you the flexibility to get the treatment you need. Call 866.680.0969 to learn more about our online therapy programs and how we can help you or a loved one regain a fulfilling and engaging life.

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Clear Behavioral Health Approaches to Telehealth Therapy

Clear Behavioral Health’s Virtual Program uses a comprehensive approach that employs a combination of individual therapy, group therapy, case management, and psychiatry. Some of the evidence-based modalities used in our online therapy programs include:

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy allows clients a private, one-on-one experience with a licensed therapist to establish a treatment plan, identify the psychodynamic and historical roots of current illness, gain insight, and set future goals.

Group Therapy

Group therapy reduces the stigma associated with mental disorders, provides a sense of community, eradicates feelings of isolation and loneliness, and establishes a support network of peers. Clients benefit greatly from listening to others, hearing feedback from peers, and experiencing that they are not alone.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps patients understand the thoughts and feelings that influence behavior. CBT has been scientifically tested and proven to be an effective treatment modality for many disorders. This modality is focused on the present and is problem-solving-oriented.

We utilize CBT to assist our clients in learning applicable skills that they can benefit from for the rest of their lives. These skills include identifying misperceptions and distorted thinking, changing behavioral patterns, and modifying beliefs about themselves, others, and the world.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy is a cognitive-behavioral treatment initially developed to treat chronically suicidal individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and is recognized as the gold standard psychological treatment for this population.

In addition, research has shown dialectical behavior therapy to be an effective model for treating a wide range of other disorders such as substance dependence, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and eating disorders. DBT is actively woven into our curriculum to assist all clients in learning distress tolerance for difficult emotions more effectively.

Somatic Therapy

Somatic Experiencing was developed to address the effects of trauma. After experiencing a traumatic event, our nervous systems are triggered into action. Humans, though, have a tendency to override our natural way of regulating our nervous system with self-defeating feelings (i.e., shame, doubt, fear, and judgments) that cause many to be stuck in this traumatic event and unable to move past it.

Somatic experiencing practitioners (SEPs) work with the client to restore the body’s ability to self-regulate and achieve balance. By addressing the somatic sensations that the client experiences, a SEP works to help the client fully process the trauma safely.

Psychiatric Evaluations

Clients receive a formal evaluation before entering our virtual IOP to determine if the level of care is appropriate. Physician consultations may continue throughout the program as needed or to mark progress.

Aftercare Programming

All clients are provided with a personal aftercare plan that facilitates long-term healing. Our support for our clients does not end on the day of their discharge. We stay strong in our commitment to supporting them in their aftercare once they graduate.

We obtain a release from each willing client to be able to follow up with them periodically after treatment to ensure they are still participating in their prescribed aftercare plan.

Contact Clear Behavioral Health Today

Clear Behavioral Health understands that not every person struggling with mental health experiences the same pressures and challenges. There is no one-size-fits-all therapeutic approach. We can better address the underlying mental health issues by providing a wide range of proven, effective therapy programs for our clients and integrating them with holistic healing approaches.

Contact 866.680.0969 to learn more or begin the process of enrolling for treatment. We are ready to help.